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The Purpose Breakdown

God has your whole life planned out, He's chosen you for a unique purpose. When you finally decide you want that purpose forreal, you choose Him and His plan, and you get to walk in that purpose.

Here are a few things about LIVING ON PURPOSE:

1) You may not necessarily like it. It might be something you never thought you'd do, or it may be the very desire of your heart. Regardless, you'll likely feel stressed and possibly terrified in certain seasons. But it's uniquely yours and it's worth it! You don't get to choose your purpose, but I promise, it WILL fit you, He WILL grace you for it and you, and others, WILL prosper/ be blessed through it (this won't look exactly the same as your neighbour though).

2) God doesn't consult you, your opinions, feelings, past, or whatever else to get permission from you. If you're called to do/ be something, that means God planned it and worked it all out long before you were born. That means He already knew every sinful thought or action you'd make. The deliberate disobedience, walking in sin, the backsliding, the addictions- He knew you would, and His love still reigns.

So many times I've asked: "Are you sure you want me for this job, God?", "Why me?", "But God!", "You know what I've done/ said!", "I can't do that!", "I can't say that!", "I'm not qualified", "Who wants to listen to me?" Well the devil is a liar.

God has replied with: "I know who you were, but my mercies fall afresh each morning (when you finally woke up). By my strength you can! With My words you can! I will qualify you! I will open and close doors! I will stretch and equip you! But, My Child, do you want to? Will you work as hard as you do the things you love? Will you just quit when it gets hard?" Well damn. God straight heartchecked me!

3)You get to choose to actually walk in purpose or not! Yahweh is NOT a forceful God, He is mighty in power AND understanding. He is loving, compassionate and faithful! But He gave us free will, so we could ultimately choose Him; who wants to feel like someone was forced to love you, or listen to you? He created you unique, special, for a purpose. Will you give Him your WHOLE heart? Every area of your life? The sinful secrets you don't want anyone to know about? The things you conceal or keep in the shadows? The things you think you can do on your own- how's that working out for you now?

He died so you could live, ON PURPOSE. If you give Him everything, He will guide you! Who better to trust with your whole life, than the all knowing God who gave life to you along with the entire earth?

I hope that this post gives you a little more insight on how God moves, and encourages you to walk in purpose. He does NOT need your permission, but He does need your obedience! Step out in faith!

We walk by faith and NOT by sight!

“But before they were born, before they had done anything good or bad, she received a message from God. (This message shows that God chooses people according to his own purposes; he calls people, but not according to their good or bad works.) She was told, “Your older son will serve your younger son.”” ‭‭Romans‬ ‭9:11-12‬ ‭NLT‬‬

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